Audre Rickard Audre Rickard

Healing Beyond the Bars

As the dream began, I was in the cell, but the door was cracked open. The entrance to the sheriff's department was also ajar. Oddly, I was free to leave but chose to stay.

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Audre Rickard Audre Rickard

Light and Resistance

Recently, I was given homework at the end of a session with my Spiritual Director. It was more like an invitation to continue the internal ponderings to exploring my experiences with the density of grace.

As I closed my computer, there was a part of me that resisted continuing my contemplation.

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Audre Rickard Audre Rickard


Every week we end our time with a Contemplative Prayer (communing with the Divine to listen).

Several weeks back, it was suggested that we go outside and ask an object of nature what the Divine may say to us. This is an intimate reflection of my communing with the Spirit.

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