• Saturated Grace Groups

    These groups are a safe confidential community of 3 to 5 people who meet weekly over Zoom with me as your host. We journey together co-creating a safe space to grow in greater wholeness and freedom through experiential learning. We learn to listen deeply to ourselves and others through open conversation, contemplative practices that invite connection with self and Divine Love and times of intentional reflection. Individuals create a sustainable life of freedom and wholeness using compassion filled principles of GRACE, Grounded, Recognize, Affirm, Cherish and Emerge.

    Participants have often noticed increased growth in greater freedom and wholeness in a group setting.

  • Spiritual Direction

    In a spiritual direction session, you are invited to experience a safe, confidential, non-judgmental space where all of you is welcomed. Every session is different as your needs will be unique to each session. In sharing what bubbles up for you, we listen together to notice the movements of yourself, others and Love. In the noticing, you will discover the wisdom of your inner goodness and a path forward with greater wholeness and freedom.

    Our first time meeting is at no cost. The following sessions are $85/hr.

All Of You Is Welcomed…

Are you feeling isolated, lonely, and the world seems to be eating away at your sanity? Does your soul seem to be starving or especially thirsty?

I get it, I’ve been there and I found a gentle and kind way to get out of the rut that doesn’t use strategies that employ toxic fixing, judging, shaming, or fear. It invites us to greater freedom and wholeness with compassion, acceptance, and mindfulness.

It’s hard to grasp that compassion and acceptance can lead to a better life when our view of ourselves has been shaped by the harshness of Western capitalistic culture, the religious institutions attempting to counter the American culture, the growth mindset of work institutions, trauma, and suffering. We’ve heard it said that life is supposed to be hard, love is supposed to be painful and change is never easy.

While these cliches are true in one sense, they are harmful and not helpful in others. So are they really true?

Love and Truth always guide us to freedom and wholeness as we grow in greater awareness.

One of the best ways we can grasp these radical life-changing values is by engaging in the practice of spiritual direction. If you are new to spiritual direction, I’ve got you. It is a co-created safe space either in one-on-one sessions or in a group, we call them Saturated Grace Groups, where all of you are welcomed, accepted, and honored right where you are. There is no fixing, or judging one another. It is a place to be curious with compassion, open to the unfolding of your story, and trust that wholeness comes with healing.

Join me and other people on a similar journey in a Saturated Grace Group, And if groups are not your thing, I got you! Let’s co-create a safe space in an individual spiritual direction appointment.

Not sure which is for you?

Let’s chat! Join me for a no-cost 30-minute Introductory Zoom or Phone Call. This conversation will help you discern if your next right step is to join a Saturated Grace Group and/or meet with me one on one. 

What People Are Saying…