The Spacious &
The Sacred Podcast

Four friends who are Spiritual Directors hold space to embrace the seasonal transitions by noticing how their own lives experience transitions. Connect with my friends: Andi Chatburn at Chatburn Companioning, Irene Dunlop at Tend Soul Care, and Heather Fignar at


December 21, 2023

Freedom and space abound here, listen in order or skip around.

113 Shifting Winds

114 Dreaming in the Dark

115 The Long Dark Night

116 Dormancy


September 22, 2023

Freedom and space abound here, listen in order or skip around.

109 Celebrations of Summer

110 Harvest & Gratitude

111 Storing Up

112 Letting Go


June 21, 2023

Freedom and space abound here, listen in order or skip around.

105 Chaos and Cacophony

106 Discernment and Pruning

107 Abundance

108 Thresholds


March 20, 2023

Freedom and space abound here, listen in order or skip around.

101 Transitions

102 Melting

103 Unfurling

104 Greening

Guest Appearances

In today’s episode, Audre and MaryB are talking about:

  • Inviting vulnerability in a safe way in singleness.

  • How to combat cultural expectations of instant gratification when it comes to our spiritual interior.

  • How to hold space for spiritual exploration.

  • And questions to ask yourself when exploring a feeling, experience or something new.

    July 18, 2023

In this episode, The Real Ex’s bring a special guest who will take the ladies on a journey of healing. Audre Discusses her own personal story about divorce, kids and how she grew being selfless, which only encouraged identifying with other people. She has found another perspective which leaves her a safe space to heal. This discussion hits home as Sofie talks about dating a new guy who has opened her world to the open road on two wheels. August 2, 2023

In this episode, The Real Ex’s continue discussion with their special guest Audre. This is part 2 of 2 (Episode 30) digs into how “triggers” are invitations to heal, not necessarily to run from. Audre guides Sofie as she experiences a trigger topic. She helps her understand how to navigate triggers with gentleness, kindness and compassion for ourselves. We can all heal from shame, disappointment, and trauma. August 9, 2023

In this 2 part-recorded live audience SAYge Real Stories we heard from two incredible women who have come through the other side of divorce and are now helping other women be empowered and less stigmatized as they navigate their way through it.

In this part 2 episode, Audre Rickard shares her contrasting journey to Rachel’s (Part 1). Audre had a less peaceful divorce experience that forced her to learn some important lessons, including the great importance of self-compassion. November 2023