Audre Rickard Audre Rickard

Suffering in Silence

Many people suffer in silence. It is a usual human experience. We all suffer in varying ways, levels, and severity. Some suffering causes our nervous systems to be in survival mode even when our physical life is not threatened. This occurs when we are not emotionally safe.

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Audre Rickard Audre Rickard

Season Transition

It is the middle of the summer, and I can already begin to feel a transition brewing. I’ve come to realize that my body is acutely aware of future transitions. It’s a gift, and yet it has felt like a perpetual looming black cloud or self-inflicted torture as I anticipate the future. It’s not worry or anxiety, as it may seem from the way that I describe it. It is my body’s memory of past trauma and hard seasons that blindsided me because I would do my best to think only on good things.

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