Welcome to Saturated Grace.

You are fiercely loved, always accepted, fully seen, heard, and known.

Saturated Grace is a community where all are invited to experience acceptance and compassion without judgment or fixing. We grow in greater freedom and wholeness as we courageously show up as we are, to co-create safety with ourselves, others, and Divine Love.

What We Offer…

  • Saturated Grace Groups

    Saturated Grace Groups are small communities where all of you is welcomed and accepted without judgment or fixing. Through connection with yourself and others you experience the life-changing power and freedom of genuine compassion, acceptance and kindness.

  • Individual Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual Direction embraces co-creating a safe place for you to listen to the ebbs and flow of your soul as you share your story. The space I hold with you taps into the density of grace through acceptance and compassion, as we unlearn judgmental and fixing tendencies. In doing so, you are invited to a life of greater freedom and wholeness.

“Founder, Audre Rickard is a sensitive,  highly intelligent, compassionate individual, gifted with a listening heart and a loving spirit. She draws from her own experience to come alongside those who are feeling damaged or hurt and shares her wisdom with gentleness and patience. I encourage anyone to seek her out as a soul friend and spiritual director.”

Chris Moore, MSF, Certified Spiritual Director

The Spacious & The Sacred Podcast

Listen and be encouraged by four friends who companion one another and who are also Spiritual Directors. Holding space to embrace the seasonal transitions by noticing how their own lives experience these transitions.